Vice Chairman of the Provincial Peoples Committee Nguyen Quynh Thien welcomes Samartians Pure Organization (USA)

On the morning of January 31, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Quynh Thien received a delegation from the Samartian's Pure Organization (USA), represented in Vietnam by the Southern Project Manager, Ms. Nhu Nguyen An Linh. They visited to extend New Year greetings to the Provincial People's Committee.

anh tin bai

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Quynh Thien takes a commemorative photo with the SPV South Organization

SPV is an international Christian relief and development organization dedicated to supporting disadvantaged individuals worldwide, focusing on child protection, healthcare, education, clean water, and environmental sanitation.

In Tra Vinh, in 2023, the SPV Organization supported 70 cows and provided technical assistance for cattle rearing, emphasizing breeding. Additionally, they partially funded the construction of farming facilities, and the procurement of fertilizers and grass seeds in Dinh An and Dai An communes in Tra Cu district, as well as Binh Phu commune in Cang Long district, Tra Vinh province.

During the meeting, Ms. Nhu Nguyen An Linh, representing the SPV Organization, expressed gratitude to the Tra Vinh Provincial People's Committee for their support in previous projects and expressed hope for continued collaboration in future endeavors.

Vice Chairman Nguyen Quynh Thien expressed appreciation for the SPV Organization's support over the past three years, which has contributed to livelihood creation, employment opportunities, and enhanced living standards for the local population, thereby bolstering social welfare.

Looking ahead, Vice Chairman Nguyen Quynh Thien expressed the province's commitment to facilitating and supporting the SPV Organization's activities, ensuring optimal conditions for their effective operation and successful completion of forthcoming projects in the province.

In celebration of the Lunar New Year of Giap Thin 2024, Vice Chairman Nguyen Quynh Thien presented gifts and extended Tet greetings to the members of the SPV Organization, wishing them a joyful, peaceful, and prosperous spring season.

Quoc Binh

Hoang Khiem (translator)

Map of Tra Vinh
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